Home:为了定义手术中心,并证明它,我们需要联合委员会标志,ASPS标志,(请访问我的网站www.drjenebyplasticsurgery.com欢迎光临蝶蛹美容手术中心!我们知道你在整形外科医生和你做手术的地方有很多选择。请放心,我们汇集了一支由注册护士、认证外科技术人员、助理和整形外科医生组成的优秀团队,让您的旅程特别而难忘!中心照片(19310 Stoneoak Parkway 1楼,圣安东尼奥,得克萨斯州78248关于我们这些优秀的男人和女人保持手术中心的运行!它们是:左边图片占位符,右边描述(8)jeneby医生照片和生物Borwonlee医生照片和生物麻醉1张照片和生物麻醉2张照片和生物麻醉3张照片和生物麻醉术前和手术当天手术前中心的协调员会在你手术前联系你,检查你的健康史,药物和术前说明。如果你的身体状况有变化,如感冒、发烧或呼吸系统问题,请通知你的外科医生。手术前一晚午夜后不要吃或喝任何东西,包括硬糖、口香糖或香烟。此外,请遵循你的外科医生可能给你的任何其他特殊指示。如果不遵守这些说明,可能会导致手术延期或取消,并收取重新安排手术的费用。如果你正在服用任何类型的血液稀释剂或每日服用阿司匹林,请务必告知你的外科医生。 Please take only medications that are needed the night before or the morning of your surgery. Dr Jeneby and your coordinator have already discussed which medications are necessary For example, if you take any medications for your heart or blood pressure or thyroid then you would take those as you normally would with a small sip of water in the morning . NO BLOOD THINNERS , NO MOTRIN, IBUPROFEN,ADVIL,ANAPROX, MIDOL, BIRTHCONTROL, PILLS YOU BUY ONLINE, APPETITE SUPPRESSENT, VALIUM,XANAX, MOOD PILLS. It is extremely important to arrange for a responsible adult to drive you home and remain with you the first 72 hours after surgery. Day of Surgery Wear loose, comfortable clothing that is big enough to accommodate a large bandage after surgery. Wear comfortable shoes such as slip-on, no high heels. You will need to change into a surgical gown. Only cotton underwear can be worn. Do not wear any jewelry (including body piercing), makeup or cologne. Do not bring any valuables with you. Bring your drivers license and insurance cards with you. BRING THE PILLS WE PRESCRIBED as well as your own pills and INHALERS Wearing contact lenses is NOT advised. We provide containers for removable dentures and bridgework. After Surgery You will be discharged to your car by wheelchair. If anesthesia has been administered, you must have a responsible adult present to drive you home and to care for you following surgery. Your physician will provide post-operative instructions regarding diet, rest, exercise and medications. You will be provided with a written summary of these discharge instructions. A nurse from the Surgery Center will attempt to call you the day after your surgery to check on your progress and discuss any questions you may have. If you have unexpected problems, please call your doctor. If he/she does not respond, please go to the nearest emergency room. Contact us and driving directions a google maps link /apple maps link We are located in the Posh North enclave of Stoneoak at the corner of Stoneoak and Knights Crossing. A grey "gingerbread house : with a home linke charm. You will not feel like your are entering a cold, hospital- like environment. We will have coffee and snacks available for your loved ones. We are riight across the street froim Pan and Coffee, and within 1-2 blocks of several eateries including taco bell, Milano Italina Grill and others! logos for the pages at the footer