重要提示:请仔细阅读摘要。如果您有任何问题或任何不清楚的地方,请随时给我们留言。我们正在为下一期关于日本的商业杂志寻找新的封面。我们的读者主要是在日本说德语的外籍男性(高管)。你可以在这里找到更多关于该杂志的信息:https://japan.ahk.de/fileadmin/AHK_Japan/4_Infothek/43_JAPANMARKT/AHK_Japan_2020_EN.pdf本次会议的主题是“新冠肺炎危机作为数字改革的催化剂——日本的新趋势和危机的赢家”,我们特别强调在当前大流行期间推动数字化。日本在工作场所数字化方面并不积极主动,现在正在寻找新的创新方法。企业必须迅速适应以保持竞争力。本期《JAPANMARKT》将介绍日本企业如何应对新冠肺炎带来的挑战,以及它们将如何在未来发展。主题关键词:远程办公/远程会议企业数字邮票电子现金医疗在线诊断 title Please insert the following title into the image: Coronakrise als Reformkatalysator Japans neue Trends und Krisensieger _____________ "Coronakrise als Reformkatalysator (meaning: corona crisis as reform catalyst)" is the main title and therefore bigger than the other part. Font typ: “Coronakrise als Reformkatalysator” = Myriad Pro-Bold 48p., “Japans neue Trends und Krisensieger” = Myriad Pro-Bold p.24. 3. design - It has to be VERY clear that the magazine is about “business reforms in Japan”. However, since this is not only about Japanese businesses but also German companies on the Japanese market we would appreciate it if that is somehow implemented in the cover. - You can base your design on a photo and make a collage or design icons/graphics. Anything is fine! If you use a stock picture, please arrange it like the combination of photo and icons or illustration and icons, like what we did in our last covers (see the attachment). - If you use a stock photo, stick to istockphoto.com or similar lower-prize options if possible. (If you already own the pictures you want to use, it does not matter which website you got them from, of course.) - Do NOT just copy-paste the stock photo into the template. - Please DEFINITELY look at our past covers so that you can get a feel for what we are looking for and please choose a DIFFERENT color design, especially in comparison to the last covers (No. 1 2020, No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No.4 2019). Online archive: https://japan.ahk.de/en/infothek/japanmarkt (please scroll down to find the window with our 2019 and 2020 covers) - Here you can find out more about the magazine: https://japan.ahk.de/fileadmin/AHK_Japan/4_Infothek/43_JAPANMARKT/AHK_Japan_2020_EN.pdf 4. data We already have an InDesign-template for the cover and the final cover design data must be inserted into the template (see attachments). IMPORTANT: - The green frame is NOT part of the template, we just added it to show which part needs to be changed. Please erase the green frame when you create a design. Our team works with Adobe InDesign, so it is important to provide us with 2 files that could be opened and edited in photoshop and InDesign. Especially the photoshop data should be editable in Adobe Photoshop, with separate layers. Guidelines for final data for the JAPANMARKT cover A) Illustrator format Recommendated illustrator file format: .ai Please convert your file into CS6 or CC2015. Currently CS6 and CC2015 are available. B) Image file Recommendated image file format: .psd/.tif/.jpg When saving the file to jpg, please select a low compression ratio at the time of preservation in order to keep a highest quality. The picture resolution should be 350 dpi and use the CMYK color model.